Monday, August 29, 2011

100th Post

I started this blog on Sept 26,2010 and today marks my 100th post. I thought about doing something special like a contest or something. So I have decided that whoever might be reading this and can answer the following questions will receive some of the vintage junk I have in my desk. (See photo below)

Be sure to look for an even more spectacular gift on the one year anniversary of this blog.

The questions are:
1. What are the names of  2 of our 5 children that I have mentioned on this blog.

2. Where did I live before moving back to Indiana?

3. Why was I told I could not have a mid life crisis?

All of the answers are in posts from my blog,Motorcycles and Other Stuff.

If you can't answer the questions but are the only person to leave a comment you will still receive the fabulous prize as a consolation gift.

 Priceless Vintage Patch from the 70's


  1. Lets see here...two of your kids' names are Noah and Rebecca. You use to live in California. #3, I have no idea.

  2. I'm curious too, why can't you have a mid-life crisis [whats the secret?] LOL
