Friday, June 3, 2011

Poor Life Choices, Answered George.

While laying under my truck, in the parking lot of my life long  friends very successful business, at the end of a very busy week, feeling quite exhausted, I asked this question to a  another friend, a very funny guy, who just happens to be a very competent mechanic, thankfully,helping me install a new starter that he just happened to have at the shop.

 What happened?  I am filthy, I worked constantly on what seems to be a never ending list of things to do. Yet Steve has gone home, in his practically new truck, just as clean as he was when he showed up this morning,

George replied, poor life choices, that is what has brought us to this moment.
We laughed, then I told him, I thought this day had turned out perfect. He had a new starter that I needed and we had it almost installed, and I wouldn't need to do it tomorrow.

I cleaned up, and the truck started perfectly. I was nearly giddy. I thought if poor life choices brought me to this, having a good time with a couple of friends, laughing and being happy that we diagnosed the problem correctly, I would do it all again.

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